Questions and Answers

The Believer's Walk is, in part, designed to be interactive. Currently, there is a comment section at the end of each article or a contact form on the blog's first page where readers may submit questions for me to answer. It's probably not a very sophisticated system but for now, it will suffice.

In my time as a believer, I have listened to various radio programs such as Stand To Reason with Greg Koukl, Pastor's Perspective with Brian Broderson or To Every Man an Answer, a production of CSN. I've found myself drawn to the idea of helping believers understand the faith they profess or making a stand for a well reasoned and logical faith. 

As I began to consider what kinds of questions I would encounter, I had to think about which ones I would take on and which ones I would pass on. Almost any question regarding the Christian faith is fair game. However, there are questions that I will not attempt to answer. These would be questions that involve personal counseling.  I am NOT a counselor and would never attempt to pass myself off as such. I will only offer answers of a general nature and perhaps suggest resources that may be more qualified to offer personal counseling.

Another category of questions I was thinking about passing on is the type of questions skeptics ask when they don't want knowledge but want to be antagonistic or expose some aspect of the faith they think is contradictory or foolish. However, as I thought about these sorts of questions, I began to realize these questions frequently arise out of misconceptions or false assumptions on the part of the skeptic. So, yeah, I'll take on those questions in order to address the matter that lies behind the question.

One final thing... Sometimes "I don't know" is a perfectly valid answer when it comes to matters of faith. We are finite creatures and are unable to grasp everything about God. When we come to questions which cannot be answered, we must fall back on what we do know. As a wise pastor once told a grieving father, "Don't trade what you do know for what you don't know."

Well, there it is. Between the introduction, the statement of faith and these ground rules, I think we're ready to jump into it! I have several articles in the works and hopefully, you my readers will have questions or comments you'd like to make. So, let's get started!

In Him,


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