Statement of Faith

I'm sure many of my readers are familiar with churches and other ministries who have a "Statement of Faith" or a "What We Believe" section on their website. These sections are very useful for getting an idea of where these ministries are coming from and the sort of teaching or practices one can expect to find within them. I believe it is fair for me to offer my readers the same courtesy so they may know what to expect as I offer my personal observations.

I offer this statement of faith with the understanding that I am a fallible human being; I often don't live up to these standards of faith and practice (nobody does) but nonetheless, these are a framework for what I am striving to achieve and all of us will one day enjoy when we finally see Him as He is.

I wish to keep this (somewhat) brief. I am going to stick to essentials and leave room for discussion in future posts. So, here we go...

I hold that the volume of books contained within the Holy Bible is the Word of God preserved for us today just as He intended. The original manuscripts are without error and although they have been physically lost to time, they have been faithfully reproduced and translated so we may, with certainty, know the mind of God in all matters of doctrine, faith and practice.

The Scriptures, all 66 books of the Bible, are a cohesive and understandable volume which deserves our full attention so we may learn the mind of our Creator, understand His purpose for His creation and ultimately comply with Him.

God is the eternal Creator of all that exists. He Himself is not created; He has always been and will always be. He is transcendent, meaning He exists both in and beyond creation. He is not dependent on creation nor our understanding; rather the opposite. We, His creation, are fully dependent on Him regardless of our limited understanding.

God has uniquely expressed Himself in three distinct persons in a union we refer to as the Trinity. He is One yet He is Three. This is the toughest part of grasping who God is and the subject of much debate. Fortunately, it is not necessary for us to understand this but simply to accept by faith who He is. The three persons of the Trinity are:

God the Father is the Holy Sovereign of all there is. He is eternal and transcendent. He is holy and is to be regarded as such. He will not tolerate anything that usurps His position as sovereign. Yet, He is loving and desires a close relationship with His creation.

God the Son is the One by and through whom all has been created. Like the Father, He has always been and will always be. He ultimately came to this earth in the person of Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and is now seated at the right hand (the position of power) of God. 

The Holy Spirit is a person, not an "it". He is the agent who "convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgement". He is the One who comforts and teaches. He gives power to believers to live godly lives which are pleasing to the Father. 

As stated above, Jesus Christ is the physical manifestation of the eternal Son of God. Jesus was conceived by the Spirit within the virgin, Mary. Therefore, He is 100% human and 100% divine. He led a sinless life but died a sinner's death by being crucified. Therefore, He took upon Himself the sin and judgement we deserve. He then rose bodily from the grave assuring us that our sins are paid for and that we too will be resurrected. He will return to establish His kingdom upon the earth.

God created the world around us. The first chapters of Genesis tell us that everything that was created was good. I hold a literal interpretation of the biblical account of creation: the earth and everything on it or around it was created in six literal days.

The Genesis account tells us the first man, Adam was created by God physically complete. The Bible knows nothing about lower life forms evolving into man. The first woman, Eve, was created as a companion not to be lorded over but to complement the man's role in creation. They are the parents of the entire human race. Unfortunately, both Adam and Eve fell into sin and passed sin on to us, their descendants.

Sin entered the world through our first parents, Adam and Eve. As promised, with sin came death. Sin is any thought, deed or attitude that usurps God's sovereignty or violates His created order. 

Because of original sin, all humans are born sinners and worthy of judgement and condemnation. Our sin separates us from God. As such, man is unable to redeem himself by righteous works or any other form of penitence.

Because of His mercy, God has provided sinful man with the means of salvation from judgement through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He took our sins upon Himself when He was crucified. Our salvation is not of ourselves but completely from Him. It is a gift. A gift which must be received by faith. There is NO other means of standing justified before God.

Heaven and Hell are literal places.

Heaven is the realm of God where angels exalt Him. Heaven is the eternal home of all who have believed on Him for forgiveness of sin and restoration to fellowship.

Hell, (my least favorite subject) is an eternal place of torment which, according to Matthew 25:41, was "prepared for the devil and his angels". However, all who reject God will be consigned to Hell and consciously experience torment for eternity away from His presence. The good news (Gospel) is God has offered His Son up for us so we can avoid such a horrible fate!


There is no way to do justice to each of these topics within the brief amount of writing I have done. I hope it is evident that these statements aren't meant to be exhaustive but are offered as a thumbnail sketch designed to encourage more fulfilling discussions. So, I'll leave you with this for now.

Blessings to all.

In Him, 


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